Monday, April 7, 2008


Could Nick BE any more of a pussy? He tells Taylor she can have Jack for the night, then Brooke freaks out and gets all demanding, which really annoys me because as we all know, she's said a million times that Taylor is Jack's mother. And yet she continues to insert herself where she doesn't belong. So then Nick says Taylor can't have the baby. Then he says she can. Gawd. Make a decision, man.

What makes me laugh about all of this is when I think back to when Nick and Taylor broke up. One of the DUMBEST things she's ever said was when she told him he was always a good, supportive husband. If that were true, she'd still be married to him. He was only supportive when Brooke was out of the picture. When she came back to lead him around by the balls, he dropped Taylor like a lead ballon.

I'd love to see him in a room with all three of his ex'es screaming at him at the same time.

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