Tuesday, April 29, 2008

well done!

Some great acting yesterday and today from Katherine Kelly Lang. Her scene with Storm right before he shot himself and then when she found him were excellent.

This whole storyline has been really good. I never saw the shooting coming and all the events that followed kept me on the edge of my seat. This is by far one of the best storylines I've ever seen on B&B.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

i predict....

I bet Storm kills himself this week and Katie gets his heart. I can't foresee them getting rid of her, but he doesn't add anything to the show.

Friday, April 25, 2008

bang, you're dead

Katie's shooting was one of the HOKIEST SCENES I've seen in a long time.

What adult in their right might waves a loaded gun around while he's talking the way Storm did? And why did he even have that loaded gun with him? To prove how innocent he is?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

the indecisive and the idiotic

Did you see Indecisive Nick today? Trying to make a decision about the baby's mother must have given Nick a Tylenol sized headache. And wasn't it great how he stood up for Taylor and said, "Of course, you're the baby's mother!" What a jerk. Brooke leads him around by his penis.

After weeks of saying Taylor is the baby's mother, Brooke suddenly decides to sue for custody? On what basis? Didn't she sign away her rights? I HOPE the judge not only gives custody to Taylor, I hope Brooke is forbidden to see the baby until he's older. She's constantly interfering and she's not allowing Taylor to really establish a mother/son relationship with this child.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

seen one, ya seen 'em all

Brooke lecturing Taylor about honoring her daughter’s feelings is an absolute joke. She wants Taylor to stop dating Rick because of Phoebe, yet she’s the one who had a BABY with her daughter’s husband? Who writes this crap? I have to say, I am absolutely LOVING this Taylor/Rick affair, just because it puts the screws to Brooke, who always seems to have the upper hand.

Sadly, TPTB are apparently turning Katie in to the same sort of Stepford ’Ho B&B is famous for. The women sleep with whomever they want, without regard for family ties or decency, and now Katie is doing it, too. She manipulated a complacent Bridget into a relationship with Nick to keep him away from Brooke, knowing how much Bridget was hurt when she and Nick ended their marriage, and today Katie sucks face with Nick. The only female on the show who isn’t acting this way is Stephanie, and I’m sure they’d be writing her that way, too, if she were younger.

Monday, April 7, 2008


Could Nick BE any more of a pussy? He tells Taylor she can have Jack for the night, then Brooke freaks out and gets all demanding, which really annoys me because as we all know, she's said a million times that Taylor is Jack's mother. And yet she continues to insert herself where she doesn't belong. So then Nick says Taylor can't have the baby. Then he says she can. Gawd. Make a decision, man.

What makes me laugh about all of this is when I think back to when Nick and Taylor broke up. One of the DUMBEST things she's ever said was when she told him he was always a good, supportive husband. If that were true, she'd still be married to him. He was only supportive when Brooke was out of the picture. When she came back to lead him around by the balls, he dropped Taylor like a lead ballon.

I'd love to see him in a room with all three of his ex'es screaming at him at the same time.