Oh geez, once again Brooke is starting her "Taylor, I am not a threat to you" bullshit. She always says this AFTER she runs to Nick and sets him off.
Truthfully, I don't know why Taylor doesn't pony up and admit that she's not bonding with Jack because she resents the fact that Brooke is his biological mother and the fact that she ruined her happiness by butting in. It's perfectly understandable. When it first happened, I remember thinking, "If that ever happened to me, I'd give the baby up completely" because I knew I'd never be able to get past something like that.
I'm also sick of Brooke's patronizing "let me help you" crap, too, because the minute something happens she runs to Nick bellyaching about how she's so worried about Jack and she always manages to bring up Taylor's "past" aka the boozing without actually saying so.